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Influencer Network Fb

Facebook Influencer Network

Welcome to our Facebook Influencer Network, a collaborative Advertising Network that lets you volunteer Facebook Posts to help promote the businesses, brands, products and services etc of registered Naibac members (including yourself) helping them spread awareness quicker and get more coverage.

How does it Work?

So you've got something you really want to promote on Facebook but you want to promote it beyond your circle of friends. Our Facebook Influencer Network is filled with lots of people just like you. Individually they can't get passed their circle of Friends, but as a collective they can break this boundary and reach even more people. Every Advert you post on the Influencer Network will be posted or shared simultaneously by some other members guaranteeing you a wider reach.

How can I join?

If you're interested in joining our Influencer Network then simply click on the button below and authorize our App.

How can I Advertise?

To Advertise via the Influencer Network you need to be a registered member of Naibac.

You're currently not logged in. Please Register or Login and return back to this page to proceed.

What if I change my Mind?

Changed your mind about signing up? Want to leave the Influencer Network? Not to worry, to opt out just follow these simple steps:

  1. Login to your Facebook Account
  2. Open your Facebook Settings page
  3. Click on the Apps section
  4. Look for our App "Naibac Influencer Network"
  5. Click the "Remove" Button beside our App
Note: Please note that you won't be able to access the Facebook Settings from the Facebook Mobile Site or using the Facebook App on your Smartphone. You will need to access the Main Facebook Site using a Laptop, Desktop or Tablet.

List of Influencers